The Why Journeymen Essay.
It’s so important that I know your heart and intentions towards this journey. The Why Journeymen Essay aims to provide an opportunity for me to get to the root of those answers. There’s only three requirements...but they are essential to follow completely:
- Get 100% real with me. Honesty and vulnerability are foundational to this program. So start now. This assignment is designed to assist the Selection Committee alongside myself with the information we need to know.
- Please type a 1.5 to 3 page essay answering the questions below. No double spacing...include proper essay formatting. Quality over length is always the principle. Just make sure you are within the page range.
- Ensure that you answer all 8 questions within your essay. Order doesn’t matter...
- What are a few specific things you expect to happen as a result of being involved in this group?
- Why would you commit to doing all the reading, memorizing, and practical life work; in addition to opening yourself up to a bunch of guys?
- What are 1 or 2 things you hope the program will specifcally cover?
- How do you want to grow in your life right now?
- What is your real motivation for your pursuit towards this program?
- Are you open to a more experienced mentor helping you discover and integrate God's plan for your life? If so, explain your willingness.
- How willing are you to put forth the diligence required to discover and integrate God's plan for your life?
- Why do you believe I specifically am someone you can trust and follow on a radical and intentional journey into Christ-centered living, manhood, and leadership?
Please type and upload your essay to your application.