Welcome to The AYPB Center; a ministry that provides life coaching and discipleship services to people of all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Anchored by Making Much of Christ Ministries, The AYPB Center was founded by Brandon K. Rachal in January 2017. The acronym A.Y.P.B. (Achieve Your Personal Best), was coined by Brandon as a quick way to represent a biblically-saturated ideology that we believe all peoples’ lives should not only be marked by, but is a mandate for all people who truly desire to finish life's race with no regrets. The AYPB Center is essentially a “real time” coaching and discipleship expression of the mission and vision of Making Much of Christ Ministries.
Definition of AYPB Explained.
To achieve your personal best is to discover and integrate one's unique God-given potential throughout every aspect of life in such a manner that God is most glorified in you as a result of you being comprehensively satisfied in Him.
Here at The AYPB Center, we hold fast to the conviction that everyone has a unique gift and purpose that should not be suppressed by fears, finances, failures, or tragedies. On the contrary! Your gift and purpose should be discovered, pursued, practiced, and enjoyed. That's why Making Much of Christ Ministries established The AYPB Center. Through our coaching and discipleship services, we work to help people cultivate an optimal ideology around what it really means for them to Achieve Their Personal Best in all aspects of life...showing them just how possible that goal can be in and through Jesus. We have the immeasurable honor of mentoring people from all ages and walks of life towards their discovery and application of what it means to be the best versions of themselves...not someone else. It is our joy to potentially partner with you. So whatever events led to you finding our center; we are supremely confident that there is something here—just for you—if you open your heart and believe that SOMETHING MORE is possible for your life.