Counseling | 8/26/20
Homework Assignments.
- Book Assignment: Read "Act Like Men: 40 Days To Biblical Manhood" By: James Macdonald
- Beginning tomorrow, read one chapter/entry per day over a span of 40 days to honor the rhythm of the authors desire for the book. They should take you about 30 minutes per day.
- If possible, do this to start your mornings or during your lunch each day.
- Write your journal/response to each chapter/entry over the course of 40 days.
- For accountability, you will send me a daily email for the next 40 days letting me know that you have done your reading for the day.
- Beginning tomorrow, read one chapter/entry per day over a span of 40 days to honor the rhythm of the authors desire for the book. They should take you about 30 minutes per day.
- Men's Den Night Group: Continue to faithfully attend Men's Den Night to build Christ-centered relationships.
- Household Responsibilities: Accept full responsibility of taking the trash out this week; PLUS put the trash bag in after!
- STARTING Affirmation and Affections Project: Please get started on this project.
- Women's Book Club: Continue to participate in Women's book club through Redemption City Church.
- Household Responsibilities: Make breakfast twice before our next meeting for Daniel.
- Couples Devotion: Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy? Please Purchase HERE
- Please read and spend time discussing one chapter per week. Designate the same time and day per week on your calendar.
- Please read and spend time discussing one chapter per week. Designate the same time and day per week on your calendar.
- CONTINUE Creating Space Assignment: In honor of her husband, Ariana, will give Daniel 30-45min to himself when he gets home so he can transition better into the home.
Next Counseling Session.
- Wednesday September 23rd
- 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Counseling | 8/18/20
Homework Assignments.
- Book Assignment: Purchase "Act Like Men: 40 Days To Biblical Manhood" By: James Macdonald
- IMPORTANT: Have the book ready and available at our next counseling appointment for next steps.
- Men's Den Night Group: Please sign up for Men's Den Night by texting this number (951) 532- 6755
- Copy and paste this message to the number:
- Hello, My name is Daniel Rojas and Pastor Brandon invited me to be a part of Men's Den Night. Could you please add me to both your text list, and email list so I can participate. My Number is (209) 406-1521 and my email is [email protected]. Thanks so much!
- Copy and paste this message to the number:
- Household Responsibilities: Accept full responsibility of taking the trash out this week; PLUS put the trash bag in after!
- STARTING Affirmation and Affections Project: I will email you privately your assignment.
- Book Assignment: Purchase "Sick Of Me: From Transparency To Transformation" By: Whitney Capps
- IMPORTANT: Please purchase today!! Group starts this Friday!
- Women's Book Club: Sign up for the facebook group for the book today! (This Friday @ 7pm)
- Please sign up now HERE
- Household Responsibilities: Make breakfast twice before our next meeting for Daniel.
- Biblical Foundation Assignment: Please watch Part 8 - Unity Within The Family Unit HERE
- Please fill out this guide as you listen to the sermon. Click HERE
- Please be prepared to share your guide that you filled out regarding what you learned in our next appointment.
- It is very helpful to take notes during this sermon to help you remember what your were thinking.
- IMPORTANT: This will take you about and 1hr & 15 minutes, please dedicate time together to do this assignment.
- Please fill out this guide as you listen to the sermon. Click HERE
- CONTINUE Creating Space Assignment: In honor of her husband, Ariana, will give Daniel 30-45min to himself when he gets home so he can transition better into the home.
Next Counseling Session.
- Wednesday August 26th
- 11:30am - 12:30pm
Counseling Moments | 8/4/20
Homework Assignments.
- Journal Assignment: What is at the core of your anger? Take your time and journal your thoughts.
- IMPORTANT: Schedule with Ariana a time to sit down to share.
- Please be radically honest and be prepared to share in our next counseling appointment, until than keep private.
- Household Responsibilities: Accept full responsibility of taking the trash out this week; PLUS put the trash bag in after!
- Affirmation and Affections Project: List 5 creative ways you can bring more affirmation & affection to your marriage.
- Please email me this list by the end of Sunday.
- Journal Assignment: Write down creative ways you can begin setting the stage for Daniel to feel more safe and open regarding his emotions.
- Please be radically honest and be prepared to share in our next counseling appointment, until than keep private.
- Household Responsibilities: Begin regularly making at least two meals a week to honor and serve your husband.
- Biblical Foundation Assignment: Please watch Part 7 - Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Sin, Redemption, Application) HERE
- Please fill out this guide as you listen to the sermon. Click HERE
- Please be prepared to share your guide that you filled out regarding what you learned in our next appointment.
- It is very helpful to take notes during this sermon to help you remember what your were thinking.
- IMPORTANT: This will take you about and 1hr & 15 minutes, please dedicate time together to do this assignment.
- Please fill out this guide as you listen to the sermon. Click HERE
- Creating Space Assignment: In honor of her husband, Ariana, will give Daniel 30-45min to himself when he gets home so he can transition better into the home.
- Date Night Time: Get out of the house and spend an intentional few hours doing something you BOTH enjoy.
Next Counseling Session.
- Tuesday August 18th
- 11:30am - 12:30pm
- Wednesday August 26th
- 11:30am - 12:30pm
Counseling Moments | 7/29/20
Daniel's Comments.
- Realizations About My Wife
- Ariana doesn't cook, and that is challenging because I was raised with a mom who did.
- Ariana is significantly attached to her dads authority and chooses his words above anyone else’s which makes it difficult for me at times as her husband.
- Rebellions Against About My Wife
- I have an aversion to doing chores around the house and helping out with the trash and taking care of our dogs. Though I know my wife wants to help I’m resistant to do it.
- I’m not a sacrificial as I could be regarding our sexual intimacy.
Main Marital Issue: We don’t have quality time.
Ariana's Comments.
- Realizations About My Husband:
- I did not know that my husband could be so very lazy. I see it play out in many areas of his life and our marriage.
- I’m beginning to realize how hardheaded my husband can be and his inability to demonstrate and share his feelings. This effects me.
- Rebellions Against My Husband:
- I am starting to not desire to be a helpmate for my husband when he ask things of me regarding assistance
- I noticed that I have started creating arguments with my husband just to get a reaction so that he would give me attention and focus on me
Main Marital Issue: We don’t have quality time.
Homework Assignments.
- Journal Assignment: Why do I struggle to be more intimate and revealing of my emotions within my marriage?
- Please be radically honest and be prepared to share in our next counseling appointment, until than keep private.
- Household Responsibilities: Accept full responsibility of taking the trash out this week.
- Journal Assignment: Share with your husband through your journal about the pain you experienced both as a child and adult victim of abuse.
- Please be radically honest.
- Spend one hour with your husband intimately connecting over your pain this Saturday 8/1/20 @ 8:30pm
- Household Responsibilities: With love, seek your husband out and ask him what meal you can begin learning that he would enjoy having, and make it for him in a private one on one dinner.
- Biblical Foundation Assignment: Please watch Part 6 - Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Creation & Design) HERE
- Please fill out this guide as you listen to the sermon. Click HERE
- Please be prepared to share your guide that you filled out regarding what you learned in our next appointment.
- It is very helpful to take notes during this sermon to help you remember what your were thinking.
- IMPORTANT: This will take you about and 1hr & 15 minutes, please dedicate time together to do this assignment.
- Please fill out this guide as you listen to the sermon. Click HERE